Valentine's Day este Ziua Îndrăgostiților în tradiția occidentală, care se sărbatorește pe data de 14 februarie. Unii spun ca a luat nastere o data cu moartea Sfantului Valentin, pe 14 februarie 249 i.H. Pe de alta parte, legenda spune ca aceasta sarbatoare a aparut pe vremea imparatului Claudiu al II-lea. Pentru ca barbatii familisti refuzau sa se inroleze in armata, imparatul a interzis casatoriile. Un singur om a reusit sa treaca peste aceasta lege si sa-i ajute pe crestini sa se casatoreasca. Acesta era un preot pe nume Valentin care, la un moment dat, a fost descoperit si intemnitat. In inchisoare, s-a indragostit de fiica unui gardian, careia ii trimitea zilnic scrisori de dragoste. El a fost executat pe 14 februarie si, de atunci, aceasta zi s-a transformat in ziua Sfantului Valentin.
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Mesaje de iubire in engleza – Love Messages

Mesaje de iubire in engleza – Love Messages

lv 1. I do swear that I’ll always be there. I’d give anything and everything and I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better for worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart. From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on.

2. You made me believe that God sends people in our life for a purpose. He sent you in my life to heal my soul and to soothe my broken heart. Thank you for coming in my life when I was lonely and shattered. Thank you for supporting me when I was abandoned by my own people and there was no one to look up to. Thank you for understanding me when no one was even willing to listen to me. Thank you for accepting me just for what I am and just the way I am. You loved me and supported me when I needed it the most. Thank you for making my life extraordinary and magical. I am irrevocably in love with your soul. You make me a believer.

3. The genuine love of your life is the one that makes your heart beat a little faster, the person you are constantly trying to impress, the person whose voice you need to hear, and whose smile you love to see, the person you do the little things for. But most importantly, it is the person you feel complete with.

Recomandari : 
Dragobetele, Ziua Indragostitilor la romani